Feel free to browse and listen to some of Geri McGhee's messages on any of these channels or directly through the links below.
Geri McGhee is a regular contributor on OmegaMan Radio, her messages can be replayed on Sound Cloud from her channel or OmegaMan channel.
Another message from Geri McGhee
"Healthy Bones" recorded at Lake Hamilton Bible Camp
Ms. McGhee is a guest speaker at Lake Hamilton on a consistent basis. Click below to listen to her messages there. As they say there... "It's like going to bible school at home"
"Principles of Abiding in Christ"
Listen on SoundCloud
Recorded from Lake Hamilton Bible Camp
Word Curses & How to Break them in Jesus Name
Satan is the King of Pride
Abolishing Fear
The Spirit of Insomnia
Deliverance is the children's bread, it is not for the unbeliever although through God's grace and mercy He pours out His power on all that entreat Him. The question should not be, "Can a Christian have a demon," but, "Can a demon have a Christian?" The answer is yes!
Paul said when we walk in the spirit we won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. How do walk in the Spirit? We stay dead! The only reason for us to die to the flesh is for the life of Jesus Christ to live in and through us.
(filmed August 12, 1989 - 13 days before he died of AIDS)
Todd was the youngest son of Geri McGhee
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