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Jan 27, 2023
Ms. McGhee
I called you in the latter part of 2021 because my husband was in a battle for his life at a hospital due to certain protocols. You took the time to advise me, pray over the situation and I truly thank you for being sent by God. You gave me a recipe for HCQ that I continue to make. God is so merciful that my husband has made a full recovery and I feel so blessed by the whole experience. We don't frequent doctor's office anymore and rely on the Blood of Jesus to cleanse and heal us. thank you !!
Jan 2, 2023
Hi Geri,
I contacted you about a month ago and we spoke on the phone. I hope you're doing well. God has shown me what needs to be done in my life to receive victory& freedom. Thank you for taking the time to minister to me.
God Bless- A
April 25, 2022
Since we have never laid eyes on each other, I am kind of amazed at how important you have been to me over the years. You are unforgettable, one of the Lord's gems in glory. I love you. God breathe on you and make you glad!!! ~C.M. Texas
Oct. 25, 2022
Geri I love you and I always will. You are a strong person and I admire you for being so. You are my hero. I have seen you overcome so much.I watch you turn your hurt frustration disappointment and anger into a praise.that takes a lot to push past. I have seen you. Pray and praise God until it come into existence ( watch a miracle). The years we spent together was bitter sweet. Good and bad but I feel not in vain. We have come up against many many battles. Some we won some we didn't. I watch you take a stand. But didn't quit. I love you for that. In my life when things got hard everybody quit and cut me off. you didn't. Thank you Geri.
I have been gone from your ministry for some years . I carry a lot of the teaching that I learned in my home and in my heart. Where satan has no place. In Jesus name. My children all 5 of them know about you and what a strong woman of God you are. They have heard me over and over tell them about the lady who means the world to me. the lady God used to help change my life and know Jesus is Lord of my life. They often ask when are they gonna meet you. We are miles apart. I pray soon . It's hard to believe you are in your 80s and I am in my late 60s. We use to talk about when we got old I was gonna live across the lake facing your house. We were gonna go on walks together. I thought that sounded good. God had other plans. Well I thought you should know how I feel. How much I appreciate you and most of all How much I love you. I am praying for wisdom safety knowledge and
happiness. I love your smile and I can hear your laughter. I love that at 80 something you still rolling. Again I am admired. You have some personal difficulty and you make it work and keep it going. YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!
May 12, 2022,
Hello. II have been using your prayers a lot. You should write a book for SRA's. I can not stress to you how much you have helped me. I listen to you all the time and try to write down anything new you are saying. I really don't think I would be here if it wasn't for you. I have been busy doing that and I am getting a (old) new job because it is very close and gas is going up. I am leaving my old job in 2 weeks So if you would pray about that. Also just keep me in prayer. Continue in prayer for me. I am learning though. It is a process. But I want the satanic to leave. If you get anything from the Lord on something I am missing please let me know. So I know what God promised me years ago it is coming to pass. Also I got another word from the Lord last week she said that everything is coming to pass and I am getting ready to go into ministry But man this has been a trial. It is going on 4 years now. I love you so much. You are such a blessing to me. Maybe we can talk after I get settled at new job or before. God bless you richly and lot of love
Love u Geri. I am so blessed to know you.I value your friendship and ministry. My life has never been the same since I met you.
Take care and God bless you in all you do.J.H.
APRIL 2022
Dear Geri,
Thank you for being in my life. This is the first time since I've been a Christian that I've had all this deliverance. WOW is all I can say. You are so anointed, this is priceless to me. I love you and may God Bless you richly.
~C.S., OH
Feb. 12, 2022
Thank you ma'am for praying for me. I was still being delivered afterwards. And it's like my head cleared up ma'am. That's so nice. ❤️ I will still pray some of what I've learned from your prayer. By the way ma'am, how did you know I'm the first born daughter? Is being a first born important? And what prayer did you pray about that again? I forgot ma'am. Also ma'am, how did you know I ask those spirits questions? I used to ask the presence in my mind questions before because I thought it was God. And I was wrong, I think my parents were into the occult too because they have idols and pray for the dead and they don't know about Chinese zodiacs and we have calendars of them. Anyway ma'am, I did try to look for soul ties in your website but couldn't find it. But I saw one from the Omegaman radio link. I checked the LHBC website and you do have audios there about soul ties so I'll listen to them instead. God bless you so much ma'am. I really appreciate you praying for me. I got delivered so much. Thank you ma'am. 🙏💝😊
Dec. 20, 2021
Miss Geri,
I love you so very, very much! You are one of the best things that has happened to me! You have changed my life for the better!
Love, A
Dec. 14, 2021
From T. Nelson:
I know Mother McGhee but I just want to thank you and bless you. I honestly thank God for you from the bottom of my heart you have no idea how much I've grown and matured as a woman of God because of your ministry. God bless you.
July 7, 2021
Thank you, Geri!
Just when I thought all my forgiving of my mom was done, I read your email and immediately found myself in tears.
The work you do is so meaningful. Thank you
April 2, 2021
You are very good to Strings words together like a spider spins a web in what you put together in these articles which makes it easier to understand and clear away confusion on that subject.. well done!
In the meantime may you have a blessed Easter celebration and many more souls be blessed in their journey following Jesus. May Jesus bless you and your family!
Happy Easter and please pray for me too, as well as my family? PLEASE I NEED YOUR PRAYERS!
Sister R.O., 54 YEARS
March 28, 2021
Thank you Mother McGhee for your ministry. Your ministry teaching has blessed healed and changed my life so much. You are like my Grandmother and mother and best friend even though we never met physically. I have called you twice and both times your ministry has changed my life. You helped me deal with so many childhood wounds.
I listened to your ministry on repeat at night even while sleeping and your correction rebuke reproof in love always set me back on course with our heavenly Father.
Thank you kindly i love you so much. Thank you for being God's Ambassador of healing. Amen
March 2, 2021
Hello Miss Geri, I’m listening to your teaching always, after our last conversation
I was so encouraged and excited! The way you explain things is truly a blessing, and thank you so much for explaining being Born Again! I’m born again now and I just wanted to thank you for that gift! I’m fighting the good fight now! I get knocked down but I don’t stay down, I still struggle with vertigo but instead of complaining I’m seeking GOD and always searching for an opening. Thank you so much!
Jan 4, 2021
Geri, My name is M*C* and I attended one of your deliverance conferences with my friend a couple years ago up north of Waco. Since then God brought me into Adult & Teen Challenge of Texas San Antonio, I graduated the program and now I'm on staff here. God delivered, restored and blessed me more than I could ever imagine. Thank you for allowing God to use you!
M. C.
3rd Phase Staff Adult & Teen Challenge of Texas
I thank YOU for your ministry. The message on haughtiness really touched me and convicted me. I too need to be humble and less prideful!
thanks~ again! Be blessed Geri
June 26, 2018
Subject: Thanks
Sister Geri McGhee,
Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!Father, I am thankful for "Sister Geri McGhee" I receive every admonition an teachings from you and I will follow through it.I am so grateful thank you.God bless you and keep you safe in His hands.
From:Sister M. G.
March 24, 2019
Ms. McGhee
Thank you for your teachings. I have been sharing them with my family who have raved about the wisdom imparted in what you teach. We thank God that you are a willing vessel for Christ.
April 12, 2019
Amen, Thank you for your teachings I learn so much from them.
April 13, 2019
Thank you Geri.
What’s amazing is the creaking in my back has virtually left and the toe pain has lessened since yesterday and despite going walking the past 2 days.
Will keep praying and seeking direction. Amen and thank you!
Thank you also for your blog talk message and your frankness. Want to listen again.
Thank you
June 22, 2019
To Geri McGhee
I have been listening to your teaching programs on Omegaman Radio. If you can give me insight, I would sure appreciate it. Thank you so much for your ministry I look forward to be able to attend Lake Hamilton when I can. Your ministry on YouTube has helped me so much in my deliverances, sometimes I listen over and over to the same program and has made bible reading very exciting. Thank you for your time.
Thank you,
March 23,2020
I pray you & yours are safe and well! I am so thankful I have had the privilege to sit under your ministry all these many, many years for a time in history such as this ....the LORD started preparing me when I received back in mid 80's your booklet, "Clearing the Land"....all the abuse I endured took me right to your booklet which a Deliverance Minister in Tarrant County gave, J.H.
April 14, 2020
I enjoy every show with you as guest. Truly God's daughter of Zion,
. I want to hear His voice clearly. Thank you for truth and sharing the power of repentance and forgiveness.
Love you Sister,
Sister In Christ service in Georgia
May 15, 2020
Good Day Gheri,
Thanks for all the good work and effort.
I downloaded your sermons from Lake Hamilton Bible Camp website.
In one of your sermons you mention that you and also someone else write books about repentance.
Do you have the names of these books and where they can be purchased ?
May good bless you and keep you.
Thank You,
M.B. - Australia
June 3, 2020
Thank you so much ❤️ you said exactly what I need to hear today Your prayers are powerful I can't help but pray with you 🙏 my prayers go out to you as well
May 2020
Dear Geri,
Thank you for all your supportive calls, I learn a lot from you & am blessed you came into my life. If you could keep us in your prauers that each overcome our illnesses by God showing us what we need to fix. AMEN!
Love you,
PS Praying for your eyesight to be fully restored in Jesus Name!
June 27, 2020
I have enjoyed your teachings on the tv . You have been a blessing in our life’s so so much . Your are highly favored and truly blessed of the all mighty God loved always longtime .Keep being an on time blessing. Thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise God from whom all blessings flow for Pastor Geri and her ministry.Almighty God return everything that the enemy is trying to take from her one hundred percent all she has given out restore to her press down shaking together and running over in Jesus Christ almighty name amen.I was a dead women who God gave me life so many times I am a grateful soul living for the Lord love you so so much.
Pastor J.
Oct. 8, 2021
Oh Geri,
God is amazing. I'm sure God has a plan and answers. Thank you for any help or insight you can provide. I love you and have been listening to your teachings. I know God has a time for everything. He has taught me so much. thank you for your faithfulness and your gift that you bless others with.You have truly changed my life by your teachings. I pray for you often.
God Bless you
Love and prayers,
Janice Howsare
Nov 15, 2021
You will not believe what has happened since the deliverance. The Lord has just started removing the tumor !!! I have zero pain + every time he takes stuff out, He puts real breast tissue in place of the hard stuff. 10,000 of years ago the sacrificed on the cross for my healing today. Cannot thank you enough for your belief in Christ.
J. w.
Dallas, Texas
Nov. 20, 2019
Hi Geri,
Thank you so much. I've been listening to your videos on YouTube, especially on soul ties, and I've been receiving so much deliverance!!! Praise God. Thank you.
Good morning,
I thank God for you. Thank you so much for all your prayers. I'm so very glad we made the trip to receive the help we needed. So glad you made time to talk with us, to pray for us. You are truly a blessing to everyone. I'm praying the Lord keeps you around for a very long time. I also ask God to keep you around because I just met you. I don't want to lose you. I have not been that blessed to know true men or women of God. I am very grateful to have met you. There are not a lot of people that has your heart. You are needed for the whole body of christ. Thank you, Thank you so very very much. This is the daughter. I love you so very much.
Have a blessed day today.
Hi Minister Geri,
I've been receiving quite a bit of healing through your messages in the last few months. Recently I listened to one three times, and it's helped me quite a bit. Particularly one on rejection. I am mailing you one of my books. It was recently published and I am hopeful we'll get some traction. The book is entitled "Daughters Affected by Their Mother Issue." Any one who reads it, male or women, has a lot of feedback and definite reaction when they finish reading it.
I wanted to know when would be the best time to visit your ministry meetings. I think you mentioned Hamilton Lake, but on your site it says there won't be another one until December. My husband would not really want to come during that time because you all have some bad weather in the winter.
Gods continued best blessings to you, and so glad you're back on Omegaman, you were missed.
K. L.
May 13, 2019
Geri - I have been listening (and re-listening) to your audio messages for several months now. I have experienced powerful deliverance and freedom from them. It is amazing to me how spirits can be cast out and freedom found over the Internet. Thank you for your powerful work!
May 22, 2019
We are having a year long Bible Study, and are using you book Clearing the Land to help those with generational curses.
April 2, 2020
Praise God Almighty!!! I decided that maybe forgiveness is a part of my issues. I don't feel like I have to forgive anyone so I did this instead and I got healed of arthritis in my hands!!!!
I had decided that I was going to forgive everyone I could possibly think of from my entire past and present. I got the idea from one of your videos. So I asked God to fill my head with my family tree and anyone else like friends, co-workers etc... About an hour later I had finished but I noticed a very unusual pattern in how I was praying. I think The Holy Spirit was putting the words in my mouth. The pattern was forgive the most ridiculous and smallest of anything for that particular person. Here is an example with my brother who plays video games all the time: I forgive my brother of x y z offenses he did to me growing up, and I forgive his video gaming, and I forgive his decisions, and I forgive his attitudes about things, and they way he refuses to help me. So from another angle - I would forgive the thing that bothered me about him like stuff I disapproved of in his life. Little things that just don't matter to anyone.
It seems by doing this I have forgave the vexations I got from my brother no matter how tiny and the vexations and offense of everyone else in the hour long prayer. The hard ones I did what you teach. I took them to heavens courtroom and dealt with it before the Lord.
I testify to you when I said "AMEN" my lungs where deeper than ever before and I felt like I was breathing the freshest air ever and my hands had the strength of my youth surging through them and still do now. I was completely and totally healed from arthritis and the pain in my hands and knuckles was all gone.
I know you heard loads of these testimonies but I wanted to share that pattern with you too. I know for a fact that was the tipping point because I generally forgave most of those same people before over and over.
Bless God and His Marvelous Ways!
Sept. 6, 2020
Geri your teachings are like nourishing food so so rich with the life of God's word.. thank you for this inheritance that you have prepared for generations to come!! Bless bless bless you! I am praying for your eyes sweet lady.
B. from India
Oct. 15, 2020
Hi Geri,
I heard you on Omegaman Radio this week. It was a wonderful message. I enjoy learning from you and pray the deliverance prayers at the end.
Thank you SO MUCH!
S.A. from IL
April 14, 2022
We enjoy the messages and scriptures by email each week. Thanks so much for your counsel by phone and your deliverance prayers for us. Love to you and all the church in Lindale.
K&J L.
Jan 20, 2022
I pray that the Lord God all mighty continues to bless and keep you. I am better because of the information that the Lord has given you, that you have given to us. Im praying that the manifestation of your healing come soon. I thank God that you have not allowed what you are dealing with to stop you from sharing what the lord has given you. Keep on fighting the good fight of faith. Keep on doing the assignment the Lord has given you to do. You are need, appreciated and loved. Thank you so very much. In any way I can be of help to you please let me know. I love you and praying for you. Lord bless Geri with many more years here with us. Thank you Lord Jesus for allowing me to meet her and for all of her teachings and prayers. Lord I am thanking you so very much for Geri's LIFE. She is a true blessing to the whole body of Christ. Lord I know she is here on loan only because she belongs to you. So, as long as you allow her to be with us, I am very grateful to you lord Jesus. But just so you know lord I want you to keep her here for many more years. I pray this new year coming is better for her than this last year was. Thank you again Lord for Geri . Thank you for giving her more of you to share with us. Give her everything she needs to keep going in you Lord Jesus in every area of her life she needs more. Amen. Lord when you are done blessing Geri bless her family as well. Blessed them and help them in every way that they need your help in their lives. You know everything about them and what they need you to do. Amen.
This is just my prayer and some words of encouragement.
Love and miss you we all do.
LOVE, J. jr.
Dec 6, 2021
Good day ma'am.
I inquired to Lake Hamilton Bible Camp if they can help me with deliverance. I've been listening to their audios and Win Worley's audios. They referred me to you.I think my body is cursed by evil spirits. I have marks like bindings on my skin from evil spirits. I got them from having contact with them before. Have you encountered a similar case before? Can you help me how to get delivered from them? Actually I have other issues about them I'd like to be delivered from.I used to hear voices but God helped me with that. Led me to this Christian church. That helped a lot. I have also been doing self deliverance. And I've been delivered from many things like ocd, depression, and many things. God helps me so much. He overcomes things for me and more. But I still have many things I'd like to be delivered from like this hold of the enemy on me. They have many holds on me. There's a lot going on in my life really. But God always comes through. He's always faithful. Fixes me and cheers me up in the end. Could you please help me? The Lake Hamilton said you can pray for me. Would you be so kind? I love prayers from other Christian friends. Helps me a lot and cheers me up.
God bless you sir, ma'am.
July 7, 2021
*from a believer to his flock*
Dear readers,
This may be the most important thought I can share with you today!
Read to learn…
P.S. Through her personal ministry in the early 1980s Geri McGhee was very helpful to me and to my family in working through some nagging un-forgiveness issues.
May 3, 2021
Geri, I met you years ago at Lake Hamilton deliverance camp and up until the last day, I was not sure why I went. Then you ministered and spoke with me and I knew the reasons I went was to hear what Holy Spirit shared through you. After all these years you look terrific in your picture and I know your spirit and soul are just a beautiful. Just wanted to say hello and thank you for all you do. Blessings upon you and your ministry.
March 31, 2021
Hello Miss Geri, just wanted to check in and let you know that I’m getting better by the day! It’s still a struggle for sure but I’m learning to die to my flesh minute by minute! I still read or listen to your teaching daily! I know Jesus is my savior but I want you to know I’m making progress because of you and your ministry! God bless you so so much! Forever grateful! Love you!!
Feb. 9, 2021
Hello Geri, I just wanted to drop a line to thank you for taking your time to help me. I’m doing better now, I know this is going to be a long road but I’m learning to trust God more each day! I’ve been taking daily trips to the mountain top, hauling another garbage bag full. I hope it would be ok if I call you again, I felt such a relief/release the last time you prayed I long for another time to do it again. Thank you so much! On the right track!
Jan 17,2021
Shalom, just want to say thank you. Your article on the unloving spirit was so insightful!! Holy Spirit revealed a deep root, lies I've agreed with. He has given me understanding, that finally after years of struggling I believe i will see breakthrough; for myself & my children.
May 27, 2018
Geri: I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me to walk in repentance. .And thank you for teaching me how to pray. Thank you for teaching me to take Full accountability and full responsibility and every situation. It has change my life forever.
S. L.
April 15,2019
Very good, you are an amazing woman of God !! Bless you and your 20 20 vision ! Thank you father for the healing that is coming for (mama) Geri!!
Thank you, for all of your wisdom and love. Praise the Lord and blessings to you and your family !
April 17, 2019
Hi Ms Geri, Just wanted to tell you, I really enjoy all your messages from LHBC, Love the Word Studies!!! Keep your Feet to the fire The LORD is working thru you. I'm sharing Your messages with lots of people, Many out there are under bondage! who don't even know it! Would love to talk with you sometime. May the LORD Bless All your ministries & your Puppies as well! ;-)
May 1, 2019
I love what God is doing in your Ministry, it is very helpful to me. May God continue to bless this Ministry in Jesus name amen.
May 28, 2019 at 5:21:51 PM CDT
Subject: Omegaman
Hi Geri,
I heard your message last night on Omegaman. Such truth and revelation. I appreciate your deliverance insight.
I was pleased to hear you have meetings on the first Saturday in Duncanville. I live in Prosper, Tx.
Bless you!
October 5, 2019
Hey Geri, my mom went to be with the Lord last night and I want to thank you for all that you taught me about honoring your father and your mother. Countless lives have been touched by that teaching through my life alone I appreciate you and love you forever, S*
April 9, 2020
I want to thank you again for all the free resources on your website and for all your messages on omega man and Dorothy Crothers. I always blessed by your teachings and Jesus used some of your recordings on your website to set me free of some things concerning some parent and "daddy issues" that I had and some other things as well. Thank your so much for your labor of love and may the Lord Jesus Christ give you eyes to see and continue to bless you exceeding abundantly above all you have been asking and thinking according to His mighty power that's working in you!!!!!!
May 5, 2020
Hello Minister McGhee,
It's A* from Lancaster, PA. I just wanted to say " Thank you!" for the continued sending of your "Daily Thoughts to Encourage". They're always a joy and comfort to read. :)
Wishing you and yours all the very best of health and safety during this COVID -19 crisis (and always). Abundant blessings always in Jesus' name. Take care and God Bless. Enjoy the day!
May 13, 2020
I Love you, Geri!
Thank You for being a Minister of God's word in my life & in the lives of countless others! There is MUCH fruit in my life because of it! I'm not always on my game, sometimes I fail, I pick myself up knowing who my Heavenly Father is [I may gain access to him through the work that my Lord & Saviour, Jesus did on the cross] I REPENT [what a gift!] and move into Jesus's way of Love & Kindness more!
Praise Be to God!
With Praise in my heart and Joy in my step!
Oct. 6, 2020
Hello woman of God,
How are you doing? We have been so blessed by you, you just don’t know. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for all of your recordings. Thank you for taking the time to share with us and others what the Lord is giving you, so, that others can be blessed. You are just a blessing to the body of Christ. We are so thankful to God that we met. We love you and we pray that the Lord keeps you around as long as possible. We Pray that everything attack your eyes will move off in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The Lord is your protector, your strength, your keeper and your mighty battle axe in time of trouble. I pray he reveals to you the truth of everything concerning you. We pray he lets you know who is attacking you and why. We pray that the Lord continues to move mightily in your behalf because you are indeed a blessing.
Love you much
May 21, 2018
Subject: Request for self deliverance booklet
Dear Geri,
Thank you so much for your teachings on Omegaman radio. They have blessed me greatly. In one of your teachings, you mentioned that you have a self deliverance booklet that you use every morning. Could you send me a copy by mail or email? I already ordered most of the books on your web site! Here is my information:
D. B.
April 5, 2019
I've been listening to you on YouTube, amazing truth! Thank you so much. Could you please send me the little booklet you mentioned on self-deliverance.
Thank you,
C. P.
June 18, 2019
Subject: Need some help.
Hello Geri, I've been so blessed listening to you on omegamanradio.
I need prayer and del for my son A.D.
I am a born again child of God since 2017. First Christian in my family in the US. I recently found out my sister in Cuba, whom I barely know is saved right before I was.
The minute I was saved the Lord led me to Dereck Prince. I have repented and performed deliverance many times, I repent daily before prayer, and your sermon on repentance was a huge encouragement and blessing.
I was involved in Santeria and many other Caribbean occult practices, and buddhism, ect. The Lord spoke to me in three consecutive dreams and I received salvation and was baptized at a baptist church near my home, lovely brothers and sisters but the Lord kept working with me not to settle, there is more. I am studying the deliverance ministry with much passion. I feel the church has been blinded and robbed of the power of the Holy Spirit in deliverance.
To make a long story short, my mother has been saved and baptized, also my daughter and father, praise God. My younger son, however, the enemy has caused terrible damage to his mind, he is in bondage to multiple mental demons and self-medicating with alcohol and drugs.
I am registered to attend Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, hopefully he will go with me.
He does not comply with anything that will help him. It’s like a runaway train.
I thank you and thank the Lord for you and your ministry.
God bless you and your family. Ill keep you in my prayers. God blees you and keep you always.
April 15, 2018
Subject: Re: Thank you !
Shalom Minister Geri,
Your teaching and Deliverance Prayer on pride has truly been a Blessing to me ! I am sharing it widely, including with many Pastors and leaders.
Please pray this will help set many free, just as it has helped me.
All of your teachings and prayers have been a Blessing to me !!
Love of Christ,
E. J.
April 13, 2019
God bless you Geri McGhee and everyone at the ministry! Thank you so very much for everything you do, you are amazing Warrior Servants of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank you so very much for your prayers! Love your sister in the Lord,
A. S.
May 16, 2019
Really I am impressed "The law is for the lawless and rebellious", I just keep listening to this on OmegaMan radio. I don't go to church anymore and I am in a mess. Thank you Jesus for Geri
Aug. 6, 2019
Hello Minister Geri,
To God be the glory and than you for your ministry of deliverance. I've been a born again Christian for over 20 years. So much for longevity. Your teaching has saved me from self destruction each time I listen to one of your audio lessons and repented for behavior that would have surely brought my life to an end.
December 15, 2019
Thank you for your teaching and sharing of your experiences walking in GOD's grace and victory. I listen to your teaching every day; there so much to learn.
I also wanted to let you know that I had receive your receipt letter a week ago.
I am praying that the LORD give me a chance to come to LHBC.
Love in Christ
December 16, 2019
Dear Ma'am,
Wanted to let you know.
I just got deliverance from the unloving spirit by following from your teaching on YouTube Omegaman Radio.
Praise the LORD!!!
Love,R. G.
Jun 23 at 8:25 PM
Elohim's girl
You have blessed me, my husband and my family in so many ways. Thank you for being transparent and real. Blessings In Jesus Name!
Oct. 17, 2018
From my heart I want to thank you for all your prayers and loving support you gave this year. I have asked the Holy Spirit to bless this check, to multiply and pray you will receive all those blessings herein.
Please keep Scott and I in your prayers.
Blessings to you& your Family & your business.
Love you!
L. P.
May 5, 2019
What a fantastic yesterday!! Your teaching was outstanding. Thanks for letting me be part of your fabulous ministry. You are the joy of the Lord and I am so honored to know you. Loads of love. Give a hug to L for me also.
Grapevine Texas
Oct. 6, 2019
Saturday was a tremendous blessing!
I appreciate your diligence in expounding on the Word!
It was great that you even had guests drive in from San Antonio! You are fruit bearing!
Love and prayers precious one,
December 5, 2019
I listened to your unloving spirit videos, because I have had acne for a long time. My skin has been clearing up so quickly and so amazingly, praise God! The other night I was changing for bed and saw myself in the mirror and was upset at the sight of my Postpartum body. I've gained about 30 pounds and I said how gross I looked. The next day a big under the surface pimple started to emerge. I immediately remembered my unloving thoughts from the night before and continued to repent over them. The bump never even came to a head, it has just been going down and healing so quickly. Thank God! And thank you for sharing your wisdom with me.
January 5, 2020
Mrs Geri,
I want to thank you for the other day. God really used you for my deliverance, And I’m looking forward for more of it. My wife sees a huge weight lifted off from me. God bless you
My name is Chris, and my wife I began attending meetings regularly with Geri about September 2013. I could barely go outside for fear something would get me, and could hardly sleep because of nightmares of death, feelings I was being tormented and I just felt hopeless. Praise the Lord! Just six months later, through the Lord's grace and wisdom revealed through Geri, I am healed of fear of death. Also, I used to be on depression medication, anxiety medication, thyroid medication, vitamins and other pills. As of now (March 2014) I am HEALED and off ALL meds. This was only the Lord, and He has used Geri in great ways. Lastly, the Lord more recently delivered me from unbelief. Through Geri's teaching, I saw that pride is the cause of unbelief in the Lord and what He can do. In Jesus name, this is just the beginning of a lifetime lived for Him. Thank you, Geri, for your love
May 2020
Dear Geri,
I wanted to sow a seed into your ministry as a huge thanks to you and to God for all that you've done for me and others. You have truly been a blessing to me during these hard times. You are such a wise woman of God. I feel like you are a loving grandma I never had but always wanted. Thank you so much.
Your sister in Christ!
I wanted to tell you something that happened to me when I got home from the seminar last Sat., but I wanted to wait until the doctors appointment which was this afternoon at 1:00 pm. Here it goes:As you know I had company for two weeks here at our home, anyway, when I got home Sat. night I started walking around the apartment anointing it. I had picked up my husband from work so he was also home with us. As I was walking around and praying, all of the sudden the black pants I was wearing to the seminar fell straight to the floor. I mean just fell off me. I thought an elastic had torn or something but no, everything was still the same. I started laughing and my son said, "Mom, did you lose weight?" Thank goodness I wear a girdle inside that look like shorts (which is too loose now anyway), but can you believe that?! This is a pair of pants that I started wearing because the others were too big on me. Now this one is too big. God is Awesome!
I know you where preaching about a spirit that makes the belly larger and something about the thighs. Truly Geri, I keep asking God to take all the junk off me. I say, Lord, if it's not your, I don't want it. Well, I had a doctors appointment today. I have lost 13 lbs. in one month. If people don't believe this is deliverance, they just don't know.By the way, they also checked my sugar and it was 71 (normal 70-120). What do you think about that?! I am so glad I was able to go on Sat. Wasn't sure if it was going to be re-schedule or not. I'm glad it wasn't.
OH! Remember, God also delivered me from fear of driving on the highways. Out of all the days to go on a highway, This past Saturday!! DELIVERANCE!! Praise His Holy Name!!
God Bless you!!
Zee (Forney, TX)
May 30, 2017
Dear Geri: Not sure how I found you on Lake Hamilton Bible Camp but I did and know that it was God. I have received so much deliverance from your teachings there. I just finished watching the YouTube of your precious son. I too have a son I raised in a Christian home and school who is caught up in the homosexual life and works in it. He came out about age 18 and is now 24. I remember when AIDs came out, but this generation does not or has forgotten that horror maybe because of better meds and research. I have realized so much from your teachings about sowing and reaping and being married to a harsh unsaved man and the damage it inflicted. I have been repenting and tearing down alters and ripping out weeds by the root. I have failed in my walk as well, but thank you dearly for what you are doing!
L. F.
June 11, 2019
Thank you so much! Geri, tonight's message on was very poinient, I thank the Lord for you. I was really ministered to tonight, it was like something clicked. I know now what the sin was that had overtaken me. It was spiritual adultery. I will be meditating on Lamentations tonight and repenting. Thank you again, for the awesome message. Thank you, Holy Spirit and thank you, Jesus.
Mar 8, 2018
Hi from Houston
I just discovered Geri on Omegaman radio. Wow, these teachings are so hard hitting and so perfect for me in the spot I’m in. I just listened to Overcoming Anxiety. Every word she said was just special for me. I truly believe my Abba Father was speaking his truth thru her to me. I prayed the prayers she prayed at the end. I expect to enter His rest now as I stop my striving, performance and control. Can you please pray for me as I heal from Multiple sclerosis? I want to please my Father and see Him glorified in my life. I also would like to be added to the daily updates that Geri sends out. Thank you and may God be glorified in all.
G. V.
December 27, 2017
Hello Geri
Thank you for your prayers back in October (I believe it was Episode 4700 of Omegaman Radio) against infertility. I’ve been praying and repenting just like you advised me and I’ve been reading the word and seeking God. I thank the lord for your ministry. Thank you Geri and Shannon.
Love,M. Boston, MA
March 10, 2018
Hi Geri
It’s Maria from Boston. Thank you for praying for me 3 weeks ago.
I just wanted to let you know that after I spoke to you last month I dove into the word of God and repented for forsaking him after I got pregnant in December when I stopped praying and reading the Bible. I also threw away the rosary beads and other idols my grandmother gave to me 10 years ago before she passed. I held on to them because of sentimental reasons and chose these things over my Lord. I knew these things were an abomination and I was in disobedience. I also forgave my husband for something he did to me years ago and held bitterness against him for.
Please keep us in your prayers. You are an angel and I hope I can meet you one day. I renounce fear in Jesus’ holy name.
At the conference in Austin this past weekend, the Lord delivered me from a food addiction that I had been battling since I was a teenager. I listened to your tape on Addictions. You ministered on the "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" which has made us free from the law of sin and death.You said that if we will submit our cravings to the Lord, listen for His instruction for "how much" or "what" to eat, then DO IT; we come out from the law of sin and death and we activate the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus! That information, along with your prayers of deliverance have helped me more than I can say. Thank you.
I have been so excited about eating what the Lord suggests and not arguing with myself about it. I had finally reached a point where I knew that I could DO NOTHING about my problem. I had been legalistically trying to change myself from the outside in for years, but glory to God!!! your teaching and ministry has opened my understanding to new revelation! Thank you immensely.
M. (Houston, TX)
September 18, 2018
Hi Sister Geri,
I listened in on Blogtalk. What a blessing and such a needed message on the Spirit of Control. It was like hearing my life story. I was not able to call in, but can you please keep me in you prayers? I received much deliverance!! Praise the Lord!!!!
I will listen to the broadcast again...and again, thank you and God bless you. There are a few other things I would like to share with you, having recently lost my earthly father suddenly, much change is going on.
Blessings and Love,
September 19, 2018
Hello Sister Geri,
So nice to hear from you. I pray all is well and for the healing of your eyes. I had some deliverance and prayer from you on Omega Man radio a little while ago on "dying to self". Much has happened...a few struggles here and there, like all the saints at this time, but we count it all JOY!
Blessings and Love
Good Morning Minister Geri, Blessings to you on a new blessed day from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dec. 6, 2018
Thank you so much for your ministry and for the free downloads.
You are helping me so much. I am in the process of totally surrendering my life to Christ after being a Born Again Believer for 20 years. Please pray for my full and complete healing, once and for all. Thank you and God bless you.
M. B.
March 3, 2019
Ms Geri,
What an awesome ministry the Lorn has given you. Thank you for all the years I've been honored to know you. By the way, I've been going through deliverance all morning. Hugely getting rid of stuff, than YOU, Jesus!! Blessings beyond the moon!
J.W. Grapevine, Texas
April 7, 2019
I just listened to your show on deliverance from financial problems. Thank you. I have been plagued with financial problems for about 15 years now and I appreciate this deliverance. I’m looking forward to things changing financially for me.
Thank you
In gratitude, C.
December 12, 2018
Good morning Minister Geri, This is a long letter of thanks and prayer request 🤗 I’ve been wanting to write this for a while but kept putting it off. I wanted to give an update on where I’m at since the beginning of September when I first heard your teachings and we spoke over the phone and you had prayed for me. I cannot adequately express what God has done. On the outward, my situations are still somewhat the same, but my soul, my thoughts, my being has changed. God blew open Mt. Everest through the teaching of pre-natal healing in the womb. Other teachings like soul ties as well as the glory of the children is their fathers. But the big one was womb healing. For the month of September, I was in great mourning for a family that was destroyed by the enemy and how God kept me and rescued me from a start of no hope what so ever. But I noticed that my thoughts began to change, that a little light started to come through. Where am I now. I feel like I’m someone who has gone through major surgery and am still healing. The dressing is still on, fluid still draining, swollen and bruised. But there are parts where the swelling is going down and the bruising disappearing; places where I don’t feel pain. I see light. Also, I have via FaceTime and phone begun to have bible study with a church that may be my next church home. My last church for which I served for years closed last year. Also, I believe God has spoken to me about how to earn money working from home. I see fists like Elijah’s servant that soon the rain will come. I am also able to drink water as of the night you prayed for me. It’s not quarts but I’ve been able to drink water which is a blessing. I do ask for prayer that God would continue to heal me from trauma, not only from the past but even in the last few years with health issues of the stomach, hormonal physiological problems like the great sensitivity to heat. My spine is still twisted but I’m starting to walk around the house much better, even at times without a cane. I have a way to go but I have seen in a dream and through a prophet I will walk again upright, no pain, no cane. Also, my finances are so critical, yet I have the peace of a God. I know he’s going to turn it around. I have not done evil with money. I used to have no respect for it, and therefore did either wrong on just plain ignorance. Of course we can all improve. He has done a great deal in my heart over the years concerning money. I believe as Derek a Prince said a couple months ago that sometimes God prunes something producing good to make even more fruit. I’m trusting that this is the case. I also need his grace, wisdom! And to desire him, seek him above all, and to trust me with the abundance in every way that is about to come. To run the rest of this race well and finish well for his glory alone. To close, I want to say thank you again so much to you woman of God. May God shine his face upon you and grant you peace and great eyesight 😊. Thank you for your ministry and prayers, God said years ago that I would come forth as gold, and I will. God bless you and your family and Merry Christmas and a a blessed New Year.
J. W.
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December 20, 2018
Ms. McGhee,
I really enjoyed the word study and learned a lot. I saved it for future reference. The whole thing was packed full of information. I know I’ll listen to it again and again.
Thank you for giving your time.
March 31, 2019
Hi Geri
Hope you are doing well today!
I listened to your teaching on causes of sickness and managed to face one particular hard and painful situation head on. Cried, prayed and felt quite free:) Amen. I’m going but by bit by one other verses relating to back creaks, neck aches, hips pains, right foot pain. What amazed me was noticing a change in my overall demeanor after the first part of the onion skin was removed:)
P. W.
April 23, 2019
Hi Ms Geri.
You prayed for me at Lake Hamilton this past weekend. I was blessed by your revelation concerning why I was having problems at my job based on forgiveness of my siblings,. Which of your teachings has the prayer you prayed for me about send the persons soul back to them and returning your soul back to you? I want to incorporate that into my prayers.
Hello Geri,
I am so grateful to God that you have a ministry! Your letters and news touch my heart. I saw your son's story and cheered because he found Salvation! I was in awe of your trust in God. I struggle with trust because of my experience, but I am learning to trust God! I struggle and take back my fears and place them in the relationships I have and that never ends well. I know this is a process and I know you had to go through the same process of God's loving discipline. I just get scared, and I lose trust in God's work in me, and I take action and make things worse for me. I am committed to see this through! Please pray for me and any wisdom would be appreciated. God Bless your ministry.
D. H.
Dear Geri McGhee,
Listened to you on Omegaman Radio and 40 reasons for financial problems. Well I am that person. My finances, my health, my life has all been touched. I know I need to clean house and have fallen in many areas. I am fighting to take back the land I have allowed to be stolen. I am definitely in a very uncomfortable place right now but I cry out to The Lord and may he hear my cry, my plea to restore me.
Any prayers or leading would be appreciated.
In His Name,
R. L.
Dear woman of God Geri,
This is a blessing to me, because yesterday morning I open the door to some bitterness and anger. I kept asking God to touch my heart and I start repented and God was to gracious to me and the devil keep on and I just began to keep praise
God and thank Him for forgiving me for me allow the bitterness to come in. And I said God please help!!!! (me) and felt the spirit of God come over me. Look at God for you to send this to me!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! Yes I choose Better.
I know that you are led by the Holy Spirit!!!! God know who to send!!! (You). thank you. I love you.
August 13, 2018
Hi Geri, I just finished listening to you on the omega man radio. You were speaking on why we get sick and the barriers to healing. Thank you so much for this teaching. I've taken this teaching to heart and I'm applying it to my life with Gods help. Please keep me in your prayers and may God bless you!
From: "M. K."
Date: June 28, 2018
Hello Geri,
My name is Margot and I've been listening to your teachings online. They are just wonderful and full of wisdom and have helped me understand many things from the Bible. Thank you!
I am writing as I wanted your advice. I've been suffering from depression and anxiety since young age (I am now 40) and I've been praying for God to heal me from this disease.
I've read about generational curses and sins and have listed them all (for myself and my ancestors) and have been praying for God's forgiveness for these daily. I have also listed people who have hurt me and have forgiven them and am praying for them.
What else would you recommend that could help in this situation and could still be blocking my healing that I would pray for or do?
Thank you so much for your kind help as I imagine you are very busy.
God bless you and your family.
Kind regards,
Dear Geri,
I feel like you hit the nail on the head!
The leg sore is better & I took a good look and it looks better, Praise Abba!
Dizziness seems better.
I have more peace and feel more clear.
Other hearings will be manifesting.
God Bless you greatly for being willing to get your hands dirty! I've been praying for 40 years to get this done.
C. W.
From: P. W
Date: March 2, 2019 at 7:11:11 AM CST
Subject: Re: Self deliverance
And thank you for your prompt reply Geri! I heard some of your ‘teachings’ this morning and was very blessed. (40 reasons for financial problems and why we get sick on Shannon’s radio station). They are all quite relevant. Thank you.
Think one point which resonated is deliverance is like the ‘peeling like an onion.’ It’s a step by step process.
Thank you
Best wishes
Sitting here at the office listening to your tape of perverse spirit…the Lord speaks so clearly through you…SO happy my path led to you. Lifting those eyes of yours to the alter of God and asking for clarity and good vision to read what you need to at the Camp today and the weekend. Knowing and finding you is akin to a man searching for gold and finding the largest mine on earth!!! Bless you mightily my friend, xoxo
April 25, 2019
Hello Mother McGhee,
I have been listening to you for almost a year now and really have been blessed by your ministry, working on my inner self. I will share testimony later about how forgiving my parents and not carrying everyone on my hip has changed my life.
Thanks, T.N.
March 20, 2018
Hello Sis McGhee,
I was so blessed by your podcast with Omegamanradio and I want to sow into your ministry. I don’t have back problems, but the teaching really blessed me and actually helped my skin problem.
I have been battling a horrible skin problem for over two years and it has been very debilitating. I have spent thousands of dollars on doctors and medicines to no avail, until I started going through deliverance about a month ago. Just like you said in the podcast, often there are many layers to deliverance and that certainly is my case.
I am a lot better than I was, but my skin problem has not fully gone away yet. Could you please send me a prayer or Bible references I can say and repent in accordance, so that I can completely get rid of this thing? Prayerfully, in the name of Jesus, that by the time you read this I will be completely healed by the power of the almighty God. I am looking in the concordance, but haven’t found anything applicable yet.
Thanks and may God keep and bless you forever more.
P. V.
January 5, 2019
Hi Ms. Geri,
Been enjoying your messages from Lake Hamilton & OmegaMan Radio. Keep up the Good Fight!!!
WE all need your encouragement & sermons and your experiences from all the knowledge the LORD has put in you life. I just had an issue where a young 23-year-old girl took her life due to a disease she had, I found out she tried 5 times to commit suicide before the last one. She had a tracheotomy and plugged the hole & suffocated herself. We all need to know how to combat Satan and his kingdom, this is NOT taught in churches. I look forward to meeting you one day at Lake Hamilton, as well as the others there. I’m listening to you and Shannon now as I type this on Anxiety because I have a client who suffers from this, I want to help her. The Lord is putting many different people in front of me this past year who have issues and my heart burdens for them to be set free!! May God get all of the glory!
It would be great to be able to talk with someone like yourself who has more experience in these matters so we can get the answers we need to move forward, maybe like when glen and Irma was still at Lake Hamilton while you were with them.
Thank you,
January 15, 2019
Ms. Geri
I love you so much. You have blessed my life in ways that can not be expressed with words. Thank you beloved sister.
In Christ,
February 8, 2019
I was really blessed by your teaching on Omega Man Radio on You Tube, Why We Get Sick and Barriers to Healing.
I am beginning to work in deliverance ministry and I would live to share your teachings with others and for myself as well.
Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing!
God bless you and keep you in His loving care!
P. G.
June 12, 2019
Hi Geri... This is just a 'thank you' for all that you do. I learn SO much from your ministry. You are balanced and have the wisdom of the Lord. You probably receive a lot of requests for problems; however, I just want to shout out a Praise God for you! God bless you!
I am deeply grateful for those of you who continue to support our ministry with your financial gifts and prayers. We need your help, as well as your prayers. God has been faithful to meet our every need. May each seed sown into this ministry be multiplied and returned to you a million times over. 2 Cor. 9:8 says, "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."
Email me at if I can be a help or blessing to you.
Geri McGhee
Abiding Life Ministries
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